Mindfulness training in Garrison, McGregor

This spring Riverwood Healthcare will offer a 4-week mindfulness training class called “Stabilizing the Mind” in both Garrison and McGregor. Julie Anne Larkin, mindfulness coach, will introduce participants to simple ways to integrate mindfulness practices into daily life, including yoga, meditation and breathing exercises.

“Mindfulness training teaches simple, accessible breathing, meditation and yoga practices to bring our awareness into the present moment,” Larkin explains. “It fosters kindness and non-judgment of ourselves and others so we can begin to see and work with our pain, anxiety and stressors in a positive way bringing a sense of peacefulness and the ability to respond with wise compassion.”

A class participant shared these comments on the mindfulness class she took at Riverwood last fall: “Mindfulness was a new concept to me. It has become something I look forward to each day, in one form or another. The yoga has already seemed to increase my flexibility and I find myself sitting up more. Noble listening is still a struggle, but I am enjoying the permission to do just that–truly listening in a non-judging manner without the need to fix or respond in a way to make myself look good.”

The Garrison class will be held on Thursdays, 5 to 7 p.m., April 2, 9, 16 and 23 at the Garrison City Hall. The McGregor class will be held on Wednesdays, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., April 29, May 6, 13 and 20 at the McGregor School, Room 201. The third session for each location will be four hours long.

Limited to 15 participants, the cost of the training is $50, which includes a manual with CDs of yoga, meditation and other practices for use at home. To continue to support their mindfulness practice, previous class participants are eligible to register at a reduced cost of only $30.

To register for the 4-week class series on mindfulness, call Riverwood at (218) 927-5188 or email healthyliving@riverwoodhealthcare.org