Riverwood Auxiliary will host its first plant sale on May 31, 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Riverwood Healthcare Center in Aitkin. The plant sale will take place in the hospital parking lot near the Healing Garden.
If you have perennial plants in need of thinning and dividing this spring, consider donating them for the sale. Put plants to be donated in plastic pots, milk jugs, coffee cans or other temporary container. Suggested donations are perennial plants, raspberry or strawberry plants, hostas, sedum and houseplants. Label the plants if you know their names. Drop them off at Riverwood on Friday, May 30, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Funds raised from the plant sale will be used for capital equipment at Riverwood. For questions, contact Auxiliary members Karen Landrus (845-2285) or Mary Bare (927-3877).
If you are interested in joining the Riverwood Auxiliary team, contact Katie Nelson at Riverwood, 218-927-5158 or knelson2@riverwoodhealthcare.org