Giving opportunity supports newborn care

With the birth of each newborn, there is one piece of equipment that is absolutely vital.

An infant warmer is used to stabilize newborns with suction of fluids and the administration of oxygen as needed while providing heat. A baby can be weighed and examined thoroughly by a health care provider while positioned on the infant warmer. This equipment is portable so it can travel with the baby within the hospital as needed.

The infant warmers are also used in neonatal training for Riverwood providers and nurses several times a year.

This month, Riverwood Foundation is partnering with the Riverwood Auxiliary to raise funds to replace two infant warmers for use in the Riverwood Healthcare Center’s birthing center. All gifts received as part of the Foundation’s year-end giving campaign will be matched by the Riverwood Auxiliary up to $10,000.

“To keep pace with the ever-changing needs of our patients and the communities we serve, Riverwood strives to enhance our services and update our medical equipment ongoing,” said Katie Nelson, Riverwood Foundation director. “In early 2020, we plan to purchase two new infant warmers. By partnering with our Auxiliary, we are giving donors a chance to double their year-end donation and help make a difference for the children and families in our community.”

Donors can make a year-end gift online at Simply click Give Now and type DOUBLE in the field for the Auxiliary match. Donations may also be mailed to Riverwood Foundation, 200 Bunker Hill Drive, Aitkin, MN 56431.