Careers at Riverwood

Riverwood Healthcare Center is an independent, progressive medical center located in the heart of beautiful lakes and woods country in north central Minnesota. Our campus features a highly acclaimed 25-bed Critical Access Hospital with three full-service clinics in Aitkin, McGregor, and Garrison, plus a wide range of specialty care with more than 60 specialists and surgeons.

Come grow with us!  The latest addition to our Aitkin hospital is a new state-of-the-art surgery wing (opening in August 2024) that features a hybrid operating room, unique to this area, outfitted with advanced imaging technology to enable complex surgeries and keep patients close to home.

 Just two hours from the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro, live and work where others play. Enjoy peaceful commutes through scenic countryside. Pursue diverse recreational opportunities such as outings on lakes, rivers and streams, or hunting where wildlife abounds. Explore ATV and bike trails, state parks, a national wildlife refuge and more.

The work culture at Riverwood reflects the friendly, more relaxed atmosphere of the rural communities we serve. Our staff is welcoming and supportive of one another. We strive to deliver healthcare from the heart to every patient every day.

Join our team in delivering and supporting outstanding patient care, from robotic-assisted, minimally invasive surgery to comprehensive specialty services and convenient primary care for all ages. For more information, visit

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Riverwood staff has identified five values that we use every day as guidelines in our interactions with our patients and with each other.

ICARE with Joy

Integrity, Compassion, Adaptability, Respect, Excellence with Joy

  • Medical insurance benefits
  • Flex Spending account
  • Paid Time Off (PTO)
  • Extended Illness Leave Protection
  • 401k Retirement plan with company match
  • Paid Life Insurance
  • Other Voluntary Insurance Benefits
  • Years of Service awards
  • Annual Healthcare Week celebration
  • 25% discount on medical care at Riverwood
  • Over the counter medication discount
  • Onsite Fitness Center


We are committed to striving for excellence in all we do. It is our vision to be the region’s preferred health system providing exceptional care.

  • I will lead by setting a positive example.
  • I will make excellence the goal in everything I do.
  • I will work to create a safe environment and will report any incidents immediately, knowing I can do so without fear of retribution.
  • I will take pride in our facility.
  • I will follow through on what I promise and take responsibility for my actions.
  • I will use time productively.
  • I will be an advocate for my patients, co-workers and the organization.
  • I will be proactive vs. reactive.
  • I will be open to change, possess a willingness to learn and embrace new ideas and innovation.
  • I will look for ways to improve systems and processes.
  • I will take ownership of my actions and decisions.


We will foster healthy and supportive relationships in the workplace through teamwork, respecting co-workers and recognizing personal contributions.

  • I will make teamwork a priority and work collaboratively to help others.
  • I will embrace a culture of equality and inclusion that encourages, supports, and celebrates diversity.
  • I will be inclusive to all and welcome new co-workers.
  • I will assume the best about my co-workers and their intentions.
  • I will work to resolve conflicts in a professional manner.
  • I will show appreciation for my co-workers.
  • I will speak well of my co-workers, medical staff and our organization.
  • I will promote the strength of my co-workers, recognizing their contributions.


We will demonstrate effective communication with our patients, their families, and co-workers to ensure a common understanding; in order to provide high quality, compassionate and personalized care

  • I will be respectful, professional and positive in my communication.
  • I will acknowledge everyone in our facilities by making eye contact, greeting them, and offering assistance as needed.
  • I will use AIDET + The Promise in every interaction (Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explain, Thank you, Promise).
  • I will strive to listen first and seek to understand what the other person is saying.
  • I will seek in person communication and commit to speaking directly with someone when possible.

Patient Experience

We will strive to provide exceptional customer service with respect, compassion and integrity. We will treat patients as they want to be treated.

  • I will speak clearly and explain procedures in a way that is understandable to my patient and their family.
  • I will take time to answer questions from my patient and their family.
  • I will address service shortfalls with a sincere apology and work to make it right.
  • I will respect patient privacy, treating patients with dignity and compassion.
  • I will respect the diversity of cultural and religious beliefs, recognizing how they may impact views of healthcare and interactions.
  • I will practice empathy by putting myself in the other person’s shoes.
  • I will anticipate and be attentive to the needs to those we serve.

Do your research

Company representatives who are coordinating hiring like candidates who know what they want from a job. They are also impressed with someone who has done research before arriving at the interview.

Start by examining an organization’s website and social media pages. Look for posts about the business to give you some idea of the company culture. You can also do a web search for the organization’s name and read any articles that pop up.  As you do this research, you can begin to develop questions and take them with you to the interview.

Know how to present yourself

During an interview, your job is to sell yourself, so you need to know your skills well enough to do this effectively. Connecting your skills with the organization’s needs is the best way to get hired.

List your accomplishments and then think of which skills it took to do them. Review your skills list and refine it into a short summary statement that you can explain easily in a minute or two.

Sell yourself as a person with attractive traits like being honest, smart, friendly, motivated and responsible. Make a list of the traits that define you and refine it so you can explain your personal assets in a minute or two. Remember that everything you say is part of the interview.

Practice interviewing

Rehearse how you’ll handle an interview. Ask your parent, sibling or friend to be the interviewer, and give him or her a list of questions to ask you, especially the hard ones (see some examples below). You will benefit and gain confidence from having thought about the answers, and you may be able to apply them to questions that you didn’t anticipate.

In addition, be aware of your body language. If you can record yourself on video, use it for practice. Otherwise, use a mirror or get feedback from your parent, sibling or friend.

Hand and arm movements shouldn’t be too large. Don’t fiddle, shake your leg or tap your fingers. Your posture should be relaxed, but alert.

Communicate interest and energy during the interview. Be yourself.

Interview questions

Presented here is a list of sample questions that are typically included in a job interview. If you get asked a question you can’t answer, simply say you don’t know. Then say the question is something to which you would like to give more thought and that you are willing to learn what it takes. An employer will respect someone who is honest and open about his or her limitations.

  • What were your responsibilities at your last job (or at school, if this is your first job)?
  • What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?
  • Which was most/least rewarding?
  • What was the biggest accomplishment/failure in this position?
  • What was it like working for your supervisor? What were his or her strengths and shortcomings?
  • Why are you leaving your job?
  • What have you been doing since your last job?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What motivates you?
  • How do you prioritize tasks?
  • Do you prefer to work by yourself or within a group?
  • Discuss a situation where you had to resolve a conflict.
  • Discuss a situation where you had to demonstrate teamwork/leadership skills.
  • Describe a situation where you failed.
  • Describe a situation where you set a goal and met it.

Dress appropriately

Looking professional means looking respectable. Whatever you choose to wear, it should be clean, unwrinkled, coordinated and appropriate. Even employers who don’t ask that their employees dress up will appreciate that you’ve chosen to put your best foot forward.

Personal grooming is part of your “dress” too. Take extra time to feel confident about your appearance. Avoid wearing heavy perfume or cologne.

Make a good first impression
Potential employers are looking for someone who is confident, assertive and friendly, and they will be taking this opportunity to see if you’re a good fit. You’ll want to follow these quick tips whenever you meet anyone at your target organization, particularly the person who’ll be interviewing you:

  • Look the person in the eye as you offer your right hand for a handshake.
  • Smile at the same time, and say something enthusiastic, such as “Hello, Susan, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”
  • As you walk to the interview room, make some small talk—weather, how great the lobby looks. Small talk will establish a positive rapport, and the rest of the interview will feel more natural.
  • Be courteous to everyone you meet; you never know who will put in a good word for you after you’ve left the office.

Ask questions
Usually at the end of an interview, you’ll be asked if you have any questions. Prepare some questions before the interview and take notes during the interview to keep track of questions you might want to ask.

There are two areas you should inquire about—the organization and the job itself. Are you clear on the responsibilities of the job? If not, ask for clarification. Do you see where the job fits into the structure of the organization? What is the working environment like? Is there a path for advancement?

Follow up
Following the interview, write a short thank-you note to your interviewer. Tell him or her that you appreciated the time he or she spent with you and the chance to learn more about the job and the organization. Traditionally, a thank-you note refers to a neatly handwritten card mailed to the organization’s address, but it is equally acceptable to send a thank-you email to your interviewer. Keep your note short and restate your understanding of the next step.

How do I fill out an online job application successfully?

  • Read the job description thoroughly to help understand what the job duties are and skills and experience required.
  • Create an original cover letter that highlights your skills and experience.
  • Identify key words for the position you are applying for and tailor your resume.
  • Make sure your responses are on target and error-free.
  • Maintain one candidate profile per organization.
  • Fill out all fields within the application form.
  • Ensure your social profile is current and remove any posts that may reflect poorly on you as a job candidate.
  • Review all the information you imported into the online application form to ensure accuracy and no omissions before submitting.

Should I upload my resume with the application?

While it is not required it will allow you to give a snapshot of your skills if you do upload your resume.

What are the next steps after I submit my application?

You will receive an email stating Riverwood has received your application. Your application will be reviewed.  If the Riverwood team would like to interview you for the position, someone from the Human Resource staff will reach out to you, either by email or phone. If you are not selected for an interview, you will receive an email notification.

What kinds of questions should I be prepared to answer in the interview?
Basic questions will focus on how well you understand and are qualified for the job as well as positions of responsibility you have held. Be prepared to comment on how your skills and experience are a fit for the position and how they make you a good candidate for the job. You will typically be asked about your strengths and achievements. The ability to explain how well you perform as a team member and have been able to solve problems is another common area of inquiry during an interview. Don’t forget to mention any volunteer or community experience that may be relevant to the position for which you are applying. Go to the INTERVIEW TIPS tab for a list of sample job interview questions.